Render Dashboard

This dashboard is provided by the Render Network Foundation. This is the most up to date dashboard for RENDER, the upgraded SOL based token from RNDR, the ETH based token, as voted by the Render Network Community. For FAQ look here. If you have any further questions join our Discord.

total frames rendered
latest epoch burn
latest node operator reward
next node operator payment
01d 04h 12m 42s
next emission
Circulating Supply
Max Supply
Cumulative Burned to Date
Total Nodes Since Inception


Mints vs Burns

Learn about Render Network's BME (Burn & Mint Equilibrium), see mint and burn stats.


See RENDER token info like number of holders, holder addresses and balances and token addresses.

Upgrade to Solana

Learn about RENDER's upgrade from Ethereum to Solana, upgrade incentives and daily upgrade stats.


See circulating supply stats of RENDER on Solana.

Node Operator Rewards

See node operator rewards stats on Solana.


See proposal stats on NATION.

BME In Action

Utilize RENDER as payment between artists and node operators, with artists burning RENDER for non-fungible work credits distributed to operators. Network mints RENDER tokens or allocates from reserve, distributing to operators based on work completed and reputation, dynamically adjusting token generation for marketplace scaling.
Follow the links for more information.
Emissions Schedule

Initial Emissions Splits

Upgrade to Solana

Useful links

1. Set up a Solana Wallet or set up a Solana compatible Ledger Wallet

2. Follow this guide on how to use the Upgrade Portal

3. Find FAQs about the Upgrade Portal here

4. There's a walkthrough video here

Upgrade Incentives

Token holders who upgrade to the RENDER token will be grouped in increments. Future protocol benefits and rewards will be graduated based on these groups.


For each RNDR token upgraded at a given time, a specific allocation of points will be distributed to the address holder. No points are allocated for tokens upgraded after the 229,999,999th token. In monthly intervals RENDER tokens will be distributed pro rata, based on the points allocated to a wallet as a proportion of total points allocated to date. Example: If 10,000,000 RNDR have been upgraded in month one, a wallet holder of 100,000 RENDER will receive 100,000 x 5 points = 500,000 points. 500,000 points divided by 50 million total points x 95,071 RENDER = 950.71 RENDER paid to that wallet at the end of month one. In month two, when more RNDR have been upgraded, the total points allocated will be higher and this wallet will receive a smaller proportion, and so on. This will go on for 12 months. Note for clarity: the Foundation will upgrade RNDR to RENDER in order to fund upgrade incentives until the BME model is launched, and will opt out of incentives.


Circulating Supply (Upgrade & Emissions)
Total Supply


Make changes to your account here.